Browsing: Truly Moving Picture Award

Truly Moving Picture Award Saving Mr. Banks

“Our jury unanimously voted ‘Saving Mr. Banks’ a Truly Moving Picture Award Winner,” said Tim Irwin, Heartland’s artistic director. “Jurors noted exceptional performances across the board, highlighted by Emma Thompson’s portrayal of P.L. Travers. Messages in the film were powerful, yet nuanced, and the story flowed well with the use of Travers’ flashbacks as a young child.”

Truly Moving Picture Award Nebraska

“Our Truly Moving Picture Award jury found ‘Nebraska’ to be authentic and honest,” said Tim Irwin, Heartland’s artistic director. “Bruce Dern’s performance as Woody made a strong connection with our jurors, who could all relate to the character’s struggles and relationship with his family. The quality of the film’s writing and cinematography were also praised, as they lent credibility and truthfulness to the overall experience.”