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Blood Brother - Heartland Film

Blood Brother

Runtime92 minutes
Writer(s), ,

Rocky Braat is a young man who longed to find himself a family. He never expected this desire would lead him to an AIDS hostel in India, a place of unspeakable hardship where he would find almost more love and need than he could bear.

Rocky never really liked kids. But because of a spontaneous decision he made five years ago, he now lives in Tamil Nadu, India, caring for a group of HIV-positive orphans. He’s found a life –an imperfect one –and we see him struggle with the decisions he has to make. He’s intensely needed and loved by the children and he is drawn to them, much to his own surprise, relentlessly caring for them in sickness and health, living as simply as they do. Having found in this unlikely place the family love he’d never had, he has to balance that with issues of being an outsider and the sacrifices he’ll have to make to continue his life in India. Filmed by Rocky’s best friend, this film is an intimate, personal look at a man looking to find his place and purpose in the world, seeking those most basic human needs: love and family, and finding them in a most unexpected place.

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