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Bucket List, The - Heartland Film

The Bucket List

A long time ago, Carter Chambers’ philosophy professor suggested that his students compose a “bucket list,” a collection of all the things they wanted to do  in life before they kicked the bucket. Marriage, children, myriad responsibilities and, ultimately, a 46-year job as an auto mechanic gradually turned Chambers’ concept of a bucket list into little more than a bittersweet memory of lost opportunities.  Meanwhile, corporate billionaire Edward Cole never saw a list without a bottom line. He was always too busy making money and building an empire to think about what his deeper needs might be beyond the next big acquisition or cup of gourmet coffee.  Then life delivered an urgent and unexpected wake-up call to both of them.

Sample Discussion Guide Questions:

Have you created a Bucket List? Have you marked anything off of your list? If so, what are those things you have accomplished? If not, what are the obstacles in your way?

What do you believe is the sum of a person’s life?

Download the Discussion Guide

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