Nominated for an Academy Award® for Best Animated Short Film, Head Over Heels tells the story of Walter and Madge: a couple who have grown apart after many years of marriage. Walter lives on the floor and Madge lives on the ceiling. When Walter tries to reignite their old romance, their equilibrium comes crashing down and the couple must find a way to put their marriage back together, even though they cannot agree on which way is up.
In addition to being a Staff Pick on Vimeo, the online premiere of Head Over Heels includes access to special features including a trailer, video commentary with Director Tim Reckart, an audio documentary about the making of the soundtrack and an alternative version of the film flipped upside down called Heels Over Head.
Recently named one of Variety‘s 10 Animators to Watch, Reckart is currently developing a feature film at Sony and a series in collaboration with BBC Worldwide and Evergreen Studios.