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Heartland Sponsor Highlight: Printing Partners

Sponsor Highlight: Printing Partners

Game of Guide Thrones

Creative Manager Derek Hulsey on his throne of Festival guidebooks printed by Printing Partners

If you stop by the Heartland Film office, you’ll find hundreds of boxes filling up our front conference room and sitting in cubicles. They are stacked around our front windows, and at one point we had enough boxes to build a throne. These boxes are packed to the brim with thousands of guide books, posters, flyers and other print material that are essential to the Festival running smoothly. None of these promotional and informational materials would be possible without the hard work and support of Printing Partners. They’ve been in the business of providing affordable, quality, local printing services since 1973, and we are proud to have them as the official printing sponsor of the 2014 Heartland Film Festival.

As a local company, Printing Partners does so much more than just provide quality printing services. They believe in supporting local arts and education, or as they put it, “We believe that as a business thrives, so should the community around it.” Every year since 2004, Printing Partners has donated more than $250,000 to local arts and non-profit organizations including Heartland Film. Along with printing close to 90,000 pieces for this year’s Festival, Printing Partners awarded Heartland Film a generous $30,000 Partners Grant to put towards our printing costs.

But Printing Partners’ support doesn’t stop there. They are also the official sponsor of one of this year’s Festival Award Winners, Happiness. They have provided tickets to local schools so students can attend screenings. And they take the time and money to invest in new eco-friendly equipment that produces less waste, faster run times and better print quality. Printing Partners believes in supporting both our community and our environment, and Heartland Film looks forward to partnering with them for many years to come.


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